Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New Schedule

Correction, previously I said something about an appointment to talk about surgery at the end of June.

An additional posting full of words of wisdom followed the "appointment posting" // totally irrelevant now, thus deleted.

Happy (?) to announce the date for round two, the Prostate Cancer surgery is now scheduled for June 10th. 

This is another God-thing. No, really. Let me explain.

Raymon went to the hospital to pick up his records, completing some research. While there, he bumped into his surgeon. They talked over the past and upcoming surgeries. The doctor then discovered that the surgery day that he had scheduled was not in the hospital computer. 

We had no surgical date, only the appointment for two weeks following what he had scheduled as the surgery. It would have been quite a surprise for all of us!

It shall be over two weeks earlier. That's better!!!


Yesterday was one of those days of smile news followed by horrific news. After getting the new surgical date, we turned on the TV for national news and were met with live video feed from Moody, OK. The tornado aftermath, 3 hours old had begun to tell its story. Today, that story, its telling far from complete, will require our listening and prayers. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Round One Thank You's

It's time I think.

Thank you cards are being penned today. He is not finished with the recovery process and the mundane is catching up (bills I forgot to pay :-) ). But the next "task" is upon us. The true joy of thank you cards.

How do I tell so many people that from the bottom of my heart, I am so very grateful, thankful and in truth, stand amazed at their selflessness in our behalf. We will never know the prayers lifted up in Raymon's behalf or for me for that matter. On a regular basis, people asked by all means possible how he was doing, through this blog, through voice mail, text, email, face-to-face and when they could get through, by phone.

Non-stop prayers, food, physical labor, fellowship, long distance trips, car rides and pleads for more at our disposal.

Round two is coming up. And two more people within our circle are also facing major medical sagas, births. The first for one, second for another. With three medical issues happening in one month for our small group, it will be a challenge.

We have learned of a dear friend who is fighting his fifth round of chemo. Another who's daughter has had her first born. Another who's son has move in the family home as his father's Alzheimer has progressed. One who has had two deaths in her family. One who has had eye surgery. To our dear friends and families who's lives have continued as our's stopped for a brief moment, we are glad to rejoin your path.

This blog will most likely be silent for a while. He'll be in rehab, building up that left side muscle (nothing to do with the surgery).

We will take new steps, we'll put something out.

Thanks to everyone in the most sincere words that words allow.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It Was A Good Day :-)

Perhaps great day covers it better but I am saving that word for the absolute final, we-are-done-with-all-of-this!

The tumor / mass on the adrenal gland has been declared benign. It may or may not have had some cancer cells within it, but there was nothing aggressive and it has all been removed.

There is no longer additional blood pressure hormones being produced, thus he no longer needs to monitor his blood pressure at home. (Did I tell you that we were doing that?) Nor will the Endocrinologists be monitoring him from the hospital.

Baffling to all was that he was asymmetric of anything prior to surgery. Still the hormone that causes BP was just too dangerous to fool around with, thus the necessary removal. Yesterday his BP was just right.

And there is no longer a danger for the prostrate surgery from the right adrenal gland!

Neurology has ruled out all negative brain disorders that might have occurred during and after the surgery. As Raymon likes to say, "I still have a brain!"

The diagnoses for his left leg weakness is a pinched nerve. With testing to locate it and physical therapy, that will be taken care of.

And by accident, we learned that his "means test" showed him to be rated "8C". I wish! We learned that it had to do with his category of benefits. 8C meant he was to receive only the most basic Veteran benefits and that he had the means to handle the rest. And the "rest" was a fairly long list.

So, it was a very good day.

  1. Benign!!!
  2. Regular Blood Pressure.
  3. Approval for next surgery.
  4. Neuo diagnoses pinched nerve.
  5. And corrected "means test benefits" from basic to all 

Raymon just a received phone call, now I am confused again. Physical Rehab just called with an appointment for this Thursday. We didn't think that was to happen before July. Okay---now that is great. Get 'er done.

I really thank all of you for sticking with us through all of this. It's not over but the first layer is Now that he is on the upside of surgery #1, we will have some time before #2. He looks good and is working to get his stamina back.

#2 is looking to be around the end of June (did I tell you?)

Your prayers have made all the difference.
And I will continue to keep you posted.
Do keep us in the loop as to your going-on.

Love to all

Friday, May 3, 2013


Many sermons and even more bible studies have taught me that if you ever read the word "therefore" preceding a scripture, the following words are important.

Therefore, yesterday...

That was so much fun we did it again today!