Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's Saturday...

Now the day is over it is fun to report such things as this afternoon, he sat upright in the chair for four hours and three visitors bearing food and scrub brushes came by. And for the most Raymon healing ointment of all, he is telling stories.

But how did this day begin?

Last night actually--being bone tired but so glad to get home, I was too excited to shut my eyes.

But sleep found us both. As did several nightly "hellos". And then we'd hit the snooze button!

As you have already read, the day has been most fulfilling, but I believe my fondest memory of this day will be his first shower. (1st since the surgery that is) Never did I know how delicious a shower could be.

The pain meds are controlling things now much better. His voice is just about back. Coughing is much less and is no longer spasmodic. Of course, it doesn't take too much to get winded, but that will just take a bit longer.

Thanks for keeping up with us. Your prayers, emails and texts to Raymon have been so wonderful.

Our thoughts are with the families in West, TX tonight.

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